понедельник, 25 августа 2014 г.

How to start mining right now?

  • You’re interested in mining, but haven’t enough cash to buy hardware?
  • You’re wasting your time, but your profits still low?
  • You’re buying expensive hardware, wasting time in difficult setup, paying fees to pools... and getting pennies?
  • Watching your hardware 24/7, constantly changing pools, currencies, watching courses? In other words, working hard as hell?
  • Your equipment is inside your flat or your balcony and you’re suffering from a loud terrible noise all the time and still paying huge electricity bills?
Now it’s all left in the past, we’ve found best hardware suppliers, our electricity is cheaper, and we have a team of analytics and real crypto-maniacs. We have built a whole datacenter of coin mining thanks to which You can buy Kh/s, assured by hardware or money, with the best terms and conditions. We are ready to take control of all the management of the hardware. The efficiency of investment is up to 12-18% per month, and you will get full payback approximately in six months.

We’re mining crypto-currencies using such algorithms as Scrypt, Scrypt-N, X11, X13, Keccak etc. That’s why our efficiency is measured in Kh/s, as we use Scrypt algorithm as a basis.

Start mining today

  • With no need of buying a hardware

    You don’t have to buy, assemble and set up expensive and complex hardware. If you will assemble hardware yourself, then cost of 1 Mh/s will be around $800, but we offer you the same but only for $625.
  • High Yields

    Yields which you can see on this site are shown 20% less because this is the money which we spend on electricity, hardware maintenance, wages for our workers, and our commissions. The efficiency of investment is up to 12-18% per month, and you will get full payback approximately in six months.
  • Balanced mining system «SmartMining»

    We’re using statistical and analytical methods to choose the currency to mine and this grants higher performance with minimal resource spending.
  • Quick technical support

    We will be glad to answer your questions as soon as we can. You can write us an e-mail and our specialists will answer you within a 24h, no matter how difficult your question is.
  • Daily payouts

    Everything that you have earned is automatically sent to your BTC wallet each day.
  • High investment reliability

    Your assets are always assured by hardware, technology, and experience of our team, and also by the most promising technology at this time. We offer you to invest just a little part of your funds to be sure that this technology is working. If you will be consistent then you will have a big profit in short period of time, and in the medium term time period (1-3 years) you can become a really wealthy person only because you have invested into a really promising technology. It’s like you’re buying Apple or Google stock in their youth, and then you’re having a lot of profit when they rise up for thousands percent.
  • Quick start

    Just register and begin getting a profit!                     
This is limited offer. While this offer is on, anyone can get 7 days of free 200 Kh/s.

You will get your free earnings after account activation.      

Make your "coin"

Given that all alternative kriptovalyuty are clones Bitcoins with some modifications, any person having programming skills can create a "coin". No guarantee that the new currency will buy, no, but you can try your luck. At least the list of currencies is constantly changing: new coins appear, and those who could not be anything like liquid disappear.

For enthusiasts have even created a library of functions, called Open-Transactions. Founder of the site Chris Odom (Chris Odom) called it «PGP for money." Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) - a software package for encryption. The program was created in the early 90s by Philip Zimmermann. Like PGP, use the Open-Transactions can be any user, and anonymous. According to Odom, the basic idea of ​​Open-Transactions - in the creation of an increasing number of hash algorithms that can be used to develop and release its own virtual currency.

Judging by the volume of transactions, the kriptovalyuty can already be called a separate industry, albeit, due to their youth, and vulnerable. The total capitalization of all the "coin" may fall a day for a couple of billion dollars, and then rise again to some of the next record. Now the main threat to kriptovalyut is China, which earlier shifropanki had high hopes. The People's Bank of China in late 2013 suddenly turned against Bitcoin: first regulator banned its banks to trade Bitcoins, and then imposed a ban on service by local companies on-line exchanges based kriptovalyutami. Against this backdrop, the Bitcoin fell from a peak in 1242 dollars, made ​​on November 29 to $ 480 December 18 at 12:45 CET.

If you look at the schedule of courses kriptovalyut other, we can see that they are, with few exceptions, also decreased by 30-50 per cent. This may reflect the fact that their value is "tied" to the value of Bitcoins, which means that they will be there just as much as the largest and kriptovalyuta.  
Sergei Kozlovsky


This is the most popular alternative to Bitcoin uses scrypt instead of SHA-256. Due to technical differences laytkoinami operations are faster. Furthermore, this extracted kriptovalyuta approximately four times faster than Bitcoins, and a finite number of coins will be four times greater - 84 million. The main disadvantage laytkoinov - they are less protected from double spending coins.

The price of one laytkoina is about 0,023 Bitcoins (9.6 dollar as of December 18). Capitalization kriptovalyuty reaches 231.6 million dollars, while that of bitcoin is more than five billion dollars. If we assume that the new bitcoin gold, then laytkoin - it is silver. This kriptovalyuta appeared at the right time, when many realized the promise of "Mining", but access to the emission of Bitcoins was already very difficult.


"Chip" the currency - the eco-friendliness. The fact that emission pirkoinov requires smaller capacity, and consequently less energy. Also, the creators of the currency claim that due to technical refinements pirkoiny much safer than Bitcoins, which can be destroyed if the "miners" unite in a criminal cartel (under the control of 50 percent of the power users are able to break down the defense and prevent double spending the same bitcoin) . In addition, a more liberal policy pirkoinov transaction fee.

The main disadvantage of this is that it kriptovalyuty incomplete decentralized: in order to avoid re-emission, all-new pirkoiny must pass a kind of registration at the check point. However, the creator of currency Sunny King assured that this will be fixed as soon as the course pirkoina stabilized. Now the cost is 0.004 pirkoina Bitcoins ($ 1.65), the capitalization - $ 34.5 million.


The main difference from other neymkoina kriptovalyut - complete independence from censorship. Neymkoiny are not just virtual money - it's to the same system of alternate servers DNS (domain names are beyond the control of the Internet regulator ICANN).

Neymokiny, so it Bitcoins for those who want to make the Internet even more free. These two kriptovalyuty so similar from a technical point of view, that their "Mining", you can use the same equipment. Neymkoin worth 0.0047 Bitcoins (two dollars), its capitalization of $ 14.7 million.

Other kriptovalyuty not as popular with supporters of a decentralized payment system. How is the cost of them is anyone's guess. Not least the rate depends on the competent marketing. For example, the currency of the name «Junkcoin» (from the English. Junk - «garbage") there is little hope of success. Now its market capitalization is only 48 thousand dollars. For this indicator, the currency takes the 53rd place among the competitors. Sometimes the creators of currencies, counting on the popularity of his creation, is used in the names of memes. In particular, a couple of days ago was created currency called «Dogecoin», reminds us of the famous meme Doge.

Bitcoins - an intangible electronic currency that exists in the same name distributed online network. Transfer of Bitcoins from one user to another is to send encrypted data. New virtual coins result "Mining" - a process in which users check the validity of the transaction. From a technical point of view, this process is the calculation of the hash function: computer "Miner" lists the various values ​​of the variables as long as the result is predetermined algorithm. When the desired value naydenopolzovatel awarded 50 Bitcoins. When kriptovalyuta gained popularity in the "Mining" was involved a large number of people, which led to a complication of the problem - it was the algorithm. Now a typical computer power is not enough for efficient mining, and users are grouped together. According algoritmukolichestvo Bitcoins will not exceed 21 million. Units. The process of issuing new virtual coins completed tentatively by 2140.

For the growing popularity of bitcoin few people noticed that Enthusiasts shifropanki invented more than 150 similar to it and stay kriptovalyut programmers probably not going to. Do not need the same amount of money is not digital, but the developers still plan to capitalize on the popularity of the new means of payment. "To Lenta.ru" decided to see what different kriptovalyuty apart.

The vast majority of work on one kriptovalyut basic principles as Bitcoin. Thus, it is not a revolutionary bitcoin izobreteniedvizhenie shifropankov - freaks of anonymity and cryptography programmers - started in the early 90s. To create the first virtual currency they pushed not only the desire to keep his name secret, but distrust of the current financial system.

Progenitors Bitcoins considered three digital currency "b-Money» Dai Wei (Wei Dai), «a little gold" Nick Szabo (Nick Szabo) and «ecash» David Schaum (David Chaum). Each of them have their drawbacks. «B-Money», for example, was at risk of hyperinflation created "little gold" little care about anonymity. Most likely, the role of the first kriptovalyuty appropriate «ecash». David Schaum - a brilliant scientist, but he was a businessman does not matter. At least - the monetization of its cryptographic invention is not: based on Schaum DigiCash company filed for bankruptcy in 1998.

People say that the creator Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin said all three projects during the first discussion of his invention. If predecessors Bitcoins become only three digital payment systems, then it led to a much larger number of very different kriptovalyut. According to the site Coinmarketcap.com, their total capitalization now exceeds $ 5.5 billion .. derivative of the Bitcoin exchange trade at a discount to it; they are all based on the principle of decentralization. Various electronic coins usually cryptographic algorithm that is the basis of emissions and other characteristics.